Keep Your Smile Healthy While You Age

Aging is not always easy. In fact, as we age, our body goes through many changes, which is why it is essential to keep your body and smile healthy through the process. Dr. Matt Hall with Hall Family Dental in Sacramento, California, cares for your oral health and is happy to help you through your aging process.

The first step is to keep up with your brushing and flossing each day. By accepting positive oral health habits to use at home, you are making intelligent choices about your long-term oral health care. First, think about your diet and choose foods that advance your health such as vegetables, nuts, and proteins that are strong for both the body and your teeth. On the other hand, keeping bad habits in your life as you age such as smoking or excessive alcohol use could be harming your teeth, and the tobacco increases your risk for dangerous and deadly circumstances such as oral cancer. As a result, keeping your life full of healthy habits is always essential to your health.

As we age, many people have dentures, which should be cleaned out daily before you sleep. If you disregard your dentures, you could be letting unwanted bacteria leak into your gums, which could be perilous to your health. The use of fluoride is also idyllic if you are struggling with oral health problems. Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and will fight off cavities that are concealed in your teeth. The most significant thing you can do to keep your oral health in excellent shape is to visit your dentist often for a proper checkup and screening.

If you need help with your oral health, please call us today at 916-451-0407 to set up with our oral health care professionals. Our team is dedicated to providing you with a healthy smile, so you can have more to smile about through the years.